IMPROVE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS with ideas plucked from the best business books and wonderful stories from ENTREpreneurship GURUS that you can read in under 5 minutes.
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Hello and welcome to the EntreGurus blog!
Are you a lifelong learner wanting to sharpen your leadership skills? Always looking for ways to grow both professionally and personally? Then you’ve come to the right place! The goal behind this blog is very simple: to bring you ideas from the greatest ENTREpreneurship GURUS that you can read in under 5 minutes. My hope is that this will provide you with powerful “eureka!” moments to enhance your business and your life — because I believe that business and life go hand-in-hand. Here’s my own story of “eureka!” moments that led to this blog, and you can find out more about me in here.
The ideas that I share in here are not mine (I can only wish!); they come from the brilliant and generous minds of the many business, marketing, leadership, psychology and personal growth gurus, whose books and blogs I read (approx. 150+ books per year). I’m merely serving as a channel to curate, distill and bring them to you, although I do add my explanations and takeaways.
I hope you will be inspired and, more importantly, motivated and excited to take action on these ideas. I firmly believe that if you dream of unlocking your full potential and reaching your greatest business goals, then sharpening your leadership skills with the ideas of entrepreneurial gurus is key.
If you want to receive these ideas, nothing will give me greater joy than to come to your inbox! Sign up using the form below to receive my emails and surprises (every so often) that are only available for subscribers.
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