I had wanted to write a blog for a long, long time, but I had not “found my voice.” Then, over a short period of time, there were three moments of inspiration that sparked the concept for this blog and I’d love to share them with you.
First, I was reading Mitzi Perdue’s latest book, How to Make Your Family Business Last, and there is a story that she tells about her father (Ernest Henderson, the Founder and President of the Sheraton Hotel chain) who, being at the head of a company with 20,000 employees at that time, took a full day to drive through treacherous roads to attend a lecture on a subject in which he was interested. Hearing her Dad tell how his day went at the dinner table that evening, Mitzi learned that the rest of the attendees were very small, local businesses. To her, who was 13 at that time, this did not seem congruent with his dad’s activities and stature, so she asked him why he had gone to the lecture. The answer surprised Mitzi: he mentioned that the speaker was an authority, that he had an interest in the topic, that he was not above small business owners, and he said “When you get one good idea, it can change your life,” and “Having access to good ideas gives me a leg up on the competition!”
That “one good idea that can change your life” was a big eureka! moment for me because I realized that is, truly, all it takes: one good idea (plus action, of course).
Somehow the next thing that popped up in my mind was Brian Tracy’s quote about making an effort to become a bit better every day:
“If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to one half of one percent more productive each week. One half of one percent more productive each week amounts to two percent more productive each month and 26% more productive each year. The cumulative effect of becoming a tiny bit better at your field and more productive amounts to a tremendous increase in your value and your output over time.”
The bigger eureka! came as a combination of these two concepts: if we take an idea that can change our lives, and we implement it and enhance it/practice it/fill-in-the-blank a little bit every day, this has the potential to radically improve our lives and/or businesses for the better, and for the benefit of all involved. How incredibly cool is that?! I couldn’t wait to do something with that idea and thus, this blog was born.
And the third concept also struck me as one of those light bulb moments, when I was reading The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D. I’m sure you’ve heard that you are what you eat, which I believe to be true. These days, we place a lot of attention on what we feed our body, yet rarely think about what we feed our mind… I hope this blog will serve as your daily “mind food” or at least the equivalent of a mental multivitamin to keep your mind in good health and stronger every day. Cheers!
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