Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 45 seconds.

EntreGurus-Book-The One Minute Organizer Plain & Simple-Donna SmallinTODAY’S IDEA:

The to-do and to-be lists.
— From The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple by Donna Smallin

Donna Smallin, professional organizer extraordinaire, is a genius when it comes to productivity with easy, helpful, and actionable tips. She suggests creating a master list of to-dos. Then, taking that master list as a basis, take the items from there to create our daily to-do lists.

Further, she has some great ideas as to how to manage the master and the daily to-do lists:

  • “Do at least one thing each day that will bring you closer to a long-term goal.”
  • “Put the 80/20 principle to work. Only 20 percent of things in your to-do list are priority items…. focus all of your energy on getting those things done.”
  • “Evaluate every item on your master to-do list. Move any tasks that would be nice to do, but aren’t necessary, to a separate “would be nice to do” list.”
  • “Decide which one thing on your daily to-do list is the most important thing to get done. Do that first.”
  • “The secret to getting through your daily to-do list is to put fewer things on it. Just list the three most important things to do that day. If you have time left over at the end of the day, you can always add another task from your master list.”
  • “At the beginning of each week, create time in your schedule for each one of your priorities. Then schedule everything else around those things. If having more free time is a priority, schedule your free time first. Then schedule focused work time. Use the time in between for completing routine tasks.”
  • “Apply the on/off rule to commitments: before you agree to be on a committee or board, get off a committee or board.”

And the last suggestion from Donna that I want to highlight today (because it’s one that I absolutely love and that is rarely talked about) is THE most important one of all:

“Remember that in the big picture of life, your to-do list is not nearly as important as your to-be list: schedule time to be with the people you love, in the places you love, doing the things you love to do.”


TODAY: Create your master to-do list and your to-be list. Schedule your priorities from both to-do and to-be lists today and commit to honoring them. You’ll be glad you did!

FUTURE: As you plan your week/month/time ahead, schedule your priorities from both to-do and to-be lists in your calendar. Next, schedule focused work time, and then everything else. Parkinson’s Law will ensure that you finish your tasks in the time you have allotted for them. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in little time if you are focused and intent on getting things done. (Expand on this idea by reading this quick post about Capacity.) Further, is there any way you can create synergy and overlap? E.g. Could you go for a jog (to-do: workout) with a friend whom you haven’t seen in a while (to-be: with friends, at the park) and catch up during your run?

Know someone who needs help with his or her to-do list? Someone that could use an a-ha! moment with the idea of the to-be list? Please share this post with them via emailFacebook or Twitter, thank you!